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標題: 轉貼: Dr. Tint from Soar's Ave vet clinic is great.  
Chermaine (So Ball 媽)
Rank: 12Rank: 12Rank: 12Rank: 12Rank: 12Rank: 12Rank: 12Rank: 12Rank: 12Rank: 12Rank: 12Rank: 12

精華 1
積分 8690
帖子 8949
閱讀權限 250
註冊 2005-9-30
所養英曲名稱:So Ball 傻波
狗狗出生日期:1 Aug 2003
狀態 離線
轉貼: Dr. Tint from Soar's Ave vet clinic is great.

my dog is about 13 years old. One day, she does not act very well. she coughed a lot. I brought my dog to Peace Ave Hospital. That doctor, David, said my dog is very critical. He said my dog has heart problem, and ordered some blood tests. He also asked me to do ultrasound. After i spent nearly $4000. He told me my dog has minor heart problem, and he put my dog on some medications.
Two days later, my dog is still not ok. I heard Dr. Tint is an excellent doctor. So i took my dog to his clinic. He repeated the ultrasound, saying my dog actually has very bad heart disease, and the med she is having is not good enough for my dog. 3 days later, my dog started to get better. today, she is almost back to normal. And I only spent $1500 in his clinic.

2005-11-3 11:16 PM#1
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